via Commissioner Andy Solis - December 14th, 2020
"Congratulations to the Palm River community! At the County Commissioner meeting on December 8 the Board voted unanimously to bring forward an ordinance to establish a Municipal Services Taxing Unit to pay to complete a sidewalk ringing the community. An upcoming utility project presents the perfect opportunity to piggyback on that work and get this project, a priority for the community for years, completed at about half the price. The design work on the utility project will begin early in 2021, so the decision had to be made soon. I salute the leadership at the Palm River Civic Association and the members of their Sidewalk Committee on all their efforts to bring this to fruition. This is a great example for other communities interested in similar neighborhood projects."
You can see the slides from their presentation before the Board HERE, and watch a video of the presentation HERE. Again, congratulations to Palm River!
The polling results of the MSTU Town Hall meeting from December 1st, 2020:
